Overweight and obesity are largely preventable, but some treatment options do not work for everyone. In some cases, doctors prescribe medicines, recommend devices, or surgery to help individuals lose weight. But these treatments are not enough to stop the problem. After treatment, patients are expected to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some people are just not able to lose enough weight. If this is the case, treatment options may include bariatric surgery.
The causes of obesity are many. Excess weight places excessive mechanical strains on the joints. In the United States, approximately 46 million adults report doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Obesity increases the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis of the hip and knee. Patients with obesity account for one-third of all joint replacement operations. Obesity also increases the risk of back and lower limb pain, and is associated with increased disability from musculoskeletal disorders. Overall, obesity increases the risk of premature death and shortens life expectancy. However, methodological issues have prevented researchers from identifying the exact role that obesity plays in premature mortality.
The body mass index (BMI) is a commonly used measurement by doctors to categorize people as overweight or obese. BMI is a measure of weight in relation to height. If the person is above the 95th percentile, they are considered overweight. The BMI can be difficult to calculate, so many doctors use a body mass index calculator. Baby weight-for-length charts are also used by doctors. If a child falls in the 95th percentile, he or she is considered overweight or obese.
Despite these risks, overweight and obesity are not the only factors contributing to the rise in the number of obese people. Overweight and obesity also put a person at high risk for depression and other mental and social problems. In addition to the health risks, obesity increases the risk of heart disease and abnormal cholesterol. Achieving an optimal weight is critical to a healthy life, but it isn’t enough. Overweight and obesity are common, and they must be treated accordingly.
Many different factors can contribute to the rise in obesity risks, including social and economic factors. Insufficient access to exercise facilities, safe walking and exercise areas, and food choices that promote healthy eating are major barriers to obesity prevention. Additionally, your environment may play an important role in determining your weight. Taking medication for another condition can lead to increased weight, so it is important to talk to your physician if you suspect that your medication is causing the problem.
Overweight and obesity is a global epidemic and affects millions of people in many countries. According to the World Health Organization, more than 500 million people are overweight or obese and this number is expected to rise to one billion by 2030. The United Kingdom alone has more than twenty percent of adult people, and forty percent of Saudi women are overweight or obese. Childhood obesity is a growing problem worldwide. There are currently 43 million children worldwide who are overweight or obese, and one out of every six children between the ages of two and 19 is overweight or obese.