The application of biotechnology in medicine has numerous benefits for the health industry. First, biotechnological processes have produced antibiotics and valuable drugs on a large scale. Today, genetic disorders and cancer are being treated using gene therapy. These advances are making the field of medicine a more advanced place to work. Here’s a closer look at some of these applications. Also, learn how biotechnology is used in the health sector.
Biotechnology helps to improve patient outcomes by allowing doctors to detect diseases earlier and with better prognoses. For example, researchers studying proteomics are discovering molecular markers of incipient diseases, even before symptoms or visible changes occur in cells. As a result, physicians will soon be able to use these biomarkers to develop better drugs and dosages for their patients. With this development, personalized medicine is making a major impact in cancer care.
Amongst the many applications of biotechnology in medicine, insulin is an example. The beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin, which helps regulate blood glucose levels. Insulin deficiency, which results in diabetes mellitus, is caused by a deficiency in the hormone. This condition can be genetic, due to old age or an injury to the pancreas. In such cases, synthetic insulin can be synthesized and administered to patients in the form of a syringe.
Another biotechnology application in medicine is insulin discovery. Many of these new medications are made with the help of rDNA technology. By using enzyme engineering practices, biotechnologists can improve the ability of natural biological agents, thereby increasing their usefulness for human health. The ability to customize medications and medical devices is one of the most important benefits of biotechnology. The development of new technologies will enable doctors to treat and prevent various diseases, including genetic disorders.
Aside from medicine, biotechnology is applied to many industries. Its scope spans many areas of biology and is a vital part of sustainable development. It can improve targeted genes in plants and animals and develop new medicines and vaccines. A few examples of biotech in medicine include the development of antibodies and transgenic plants. It is also used in agriculture and industrial biotechnology. And, of course, it can benefit the environment as well.
Another application of biotechnology in medicine is gene therapy, which is a process that corrects genetic problems in children and embryos. In this case, healthy genes from the donor are used to replace the genes in the damaged ones. This can lead to the permanent cure of a disease. The use of bone marrow in treating genetic disorders is another example of biotechnology in medicine. And, of course, it has raised ethical questions and concerns.