Though researchers still are attempting to ascertain what causes acne, researchers have discovered a connection between certain foods and certain diets and acne breakouts. People who consume high glycemic index (GI) foods like sugar and refined carbs are more likely to have breakouts.
High blood sugar triggers an unregulated release of insulin into the body, leading to unchecked cell growth, sebum production and formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) – all which contributes to acne development.
Increased Sebum Production
Sebum is an oily substance produced by glands located throughout the body, particularly around the face and scalp. While sebum helps the skin stay moisturized, too much production may clog pores and lead to acne breakouts.
Genetics: People whose genes produce excess sebum may be more prone to acne and oily skin. Hormonal Changes: Puberty and adolescence hormone fluctuations increase sebum production, as do birth control pills and prescription retinoids that act on hormonal levels directly.
Diet: Consuming too many refined carbohydrates and sugary products may cause sebum production to increase, as can dairy products which also can have an impactful on sebum production in some people.
Carbs are one of the three macronutrients that provide your body with energy. After eating carbs, your body breaks them down into glucose molecules which enter your bloodstream and provide fuel to fuel cells throughout your body.
Refined carbohydrates like white bread, store-bought pasta and French fries can enter your bloodstream quickly, producing an immediate spike of blood sugar that causes inflammation. This can lead to various health complications including obesity and chronic inflammation that increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
All carbohydrates contain sugar, but some are more refined than others. Refined carbohydrates contain short chains of sugar molecules and are classified as simple carbs; complex ones contain longer chains, known as starches. Both types can raise your blood sugar, with refined ones increasing it more rapidly due to short strands of sugar molecules than long chains in complex ones.
Decreased Collagen and Elastin
Studies have confirmed that foods high in glycemic index, or “GI,” which cause an acute surge in blood sugar levels, can trigger or worsen acne outbreaks. Such foods typically include refined carbohydrates, sugary drinks and desserts as well as any food lacking fiber content.
Both collagen and elastin proteins provide structure, support, and elasticity in your body. Collagen is a tough protein while elastin is 100x more stretchy and flexible. Elastin can be found in major blood vessels, lungs, elastic ligaments and tendons of newborn babies before decline or stop altogether after puberty.
Consuming too much sugar can reduce elastin and collagen, making it imperative to limit empty carbs. Furthermore, excessive sugar intake may result in the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) which damage nearby proteins while hastening ageing processes – possibly contributing to heart disease and diabetes.
Increased Insulin Levels
Diets high in refined carbohydrates and sugar can increase insulin levels, setting off a chain reaction that leads to sebum production, inflammation, clogged pores, acne breakouts and possibly even glycation, whereby sugar molecules attach themselves to proteins in the skin and damage them over time.
Carbs are one of the body’s primary energy sources and can be divided into complex and simple carbohydrates, respectively. Complex carbohydrates are found in whole foods like starchy vegetables and grains while refined carbs such as white bread, pastries, candy bars, soda pop, cookies and cakes are less healthful alternatives.
Refined carbohydrates are refined forms of sugars and starches processed through industrial extraction, concentration, and purification processes. Any natural sweet or starchy whole food found in nature such as fruit, beans or potatoes would be considered an unrefined carbohydrate source.