Photo of man preparatio checking blood presure at home
High blood pressure is a widespread health concern that may require medication treatment, however there may be safer approaches that may lessen or even eliminate future medication usage altogether.
One effective way to naturally reduce blood pressure is by changing certain lifestyle habits, including:
1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are integral parts of a nutritious diet, providing essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and other vital elements that can naturally lower blood pressure.
Bananas: Packed with potassium, this delicious fruit helps lower sodium intake – one of the main culprits behind high blood pressure levels. Enjoy them raw, in smoothies or as part of a side dish dish!
Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries contain anthocyanins which have been shown to improve blood vessel function and are low in sugar – making them a heart-healthy option.
Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale contain high concentrations of nitrates that may help lower your blood pressure. Aim for at least four servings of vegetables each day along with two to four fruits.
2. Cut Back on Salt
Salt (also known as sodium) is an essential element that your body requires for various vital processes; however, too much of it could be detrimental to your wellbeing.
Diets high in sodium can contribute to inflammation and fluid retention that lead to high blood pressure, weight gain and other serious health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or stroke.
To reduce sodium intake, read food labels and select lower-sodium options when shopping or dining out. Look for reduced-salt unsmoked back bacon, reduced-sodium canned vegetables and ready-made pasta sauces without cheese-like or smoke-flavored flavours as ways of cutting back on sodium intake.
3. Get More Exercise
Exercise is one of the best ways to naturally lower blood pressure, as well as to maintain a healthy weight – both benefits have a direct bearing on cardiovascular and overall wellness.
Start out by striving to accumulate 150 minutes (two hours and 30 minutes) of moderate intensity physical activity each week, such as walking briskly, hiking, running, swimming or cycling. This could include anything from brisk walking, to hiking, running, swimming or cycling.
Exercise helps loosen up blood vessels, making blood flow more easily through them – this is particularly important for people living with high blood pressure.
4. Get More Sleep
Sleep is of utmost importance for our overall health and wellbeing. A good night’s rest plays an integral part of an active and healthy lifestyle, providing many advantages from increased energy to reduced blood pressure levels.
Efficient restful sleep has also been linked to decreased levels of cortisol, one of the major stress hormones. Excessively high cortisol levels may contribute to heart disease, obesity and other serious health issues.
Ideal sleep hours for adults range between seven and nine hours each night, depending on various factors that impact quality such as exercise, caffeine intake and sleeping environment.
5. Reduce Stress
Stress relief is essential if you want to lower your blood pressure naturally. Too much anxiety can lead to unhealthy behaviors like smoking, comfort-eating and drinking too much alcohol as well as being physically inactive.
Stress causes your body to produce adrenaline and release other hormones that increase heartbeat rate and blood pressure temporarily, but when stress has dissipated your pressure returns back to normal.
Stress management may seem challenging, but doing so could save your health in many ways and promote mental wellness.