Acne is a widespread skin condition that affects people of all ages. While often associated with adolescents and hormonal fluctuations, acne can continue to affect adults – particularly women.
Acne is often dismissed as just another temporary inconvenience, but severe cases can leave permanent scarring that marrs the appearance of our skin. Dermatologists have spent decades studying its causes and devising products designed to reduce outbreaks while also helping prevent scarring in future.
Acne nodules are large, firm bumps that form deep within the skin. They form when bacteria, sebum and dead skin cells clog oil glands to cause severe infection resulting in cysts or nodules which cannot be cleared through over-the-counter treatments; instead they require professional consultation from a dermatologist for removal. Unlike blackheads however, nodules cannot be treated through OTC medications alone and must be prescribed from a specialist to be eradicated completely.
Papules are red or pink bumps that appear on the skin’s surface. They form when hair follicles (also called pores) become blocked with debris or bacteria and rupture, leading to inflammation that triggers white blood cells to come and fight the bacteria; triggering an inflammatory reaction and making papules look red and puffy. They’re an early form of acne that can be managed using over-the-counter cleansers and face masks.
Acne cysts, commonly referred to as pimples or zits, are small pockets filled with fluid or tissue beneath the skin that develop under any part of the body, often around oil glands.
Clogged hair follicles or an accumulation of dead skin cells clogging the follicle can result in infection, leading to swelling, redness and itchy symptoms.
Cysts can be painful and should always be addressed by a dermatologist as they can result in scarring. Over-the-counter treatments often fail as cysts contain yellow-tinted fluid that contains cheeselike particles. Cysts differ from blackheads and whiteheads in that they cause moderate to severe inflammation; blackheads do not. Depending on where they develop on your chest, back, or face they could harden into hard or soft lumps which require medical intervention for treatment.
Whiteheads are clogged pores that appear as yellow or white bumps on the skin’s surface. While they’re considered mild forms of acne, they’re rarely painful or contagious and shouldn’t lead to inflammation or scarring.
Closed comedones and pimples, often known as whiteheads or closed comedones, can appear anywhere on your face, neck, shoulders, chest or back. While less severe than blackheads, whiteheads may still cause inflamed skin or scarring (Dinulos JGH, 2021).
Whiteheads, like other forms of acne, are caused by excess oil production, dead skin cells and bacteria on your pores. Hormones, diet and the use of oil-based makeup, skin care or hair products may trigger them. When choosing noncomedogenic products to avoid clogging your pores. Furthermore, never rub or squeeze your blemishes; doing so could worsen them and leave permanent scarring behind.
Blackheads (also called open comedones) are small dark marks caused when hair follicles become clogged with oil and skin cells, leaving behind melanin pigment which oxidizes when exposed to air and turns black in appearance. Blackheads are one of the least severe forms of acne.
Spey suggests using a gentle cleanser with either resorcinol or salicylic acid as this will unclog pores, kill bacteria and prevent the buildup of oil and dead skin cells in your pores, helping keep them free.
Blackheads can also be prevented by choosing products marked “noncomedogenic”, which won’t clog pores. Scrubbing could worsen them further.
Acne is an increasingly common skin issue, yet no two cases of it are alike. Acknowledging what causes certain kinds of pimples and how best to treat them will go a long way toward keeping your complexion clear.
Pimples occur when pores become clogged with oil, bacteria and dead skin cells; when this clog breaks open and releases pus into the surrounding tissue. Once this happens, red lesions called papules form on the surface of skin with yellow or white tops caused by light reflecting off of clogged pores; larger, painful pimples with white or yellow centers known as cysts can form which should not be poked or squeezed as this could result in scarring and infections if attempted to pop or squeeze out.