A workout for weight loss at the gym can help you burn fat and build muscle, which is beneficial for your health and weight-loss goals. You can use lighter weights or heavier weights, but remember that lighter weights require more repetitions and less stress on the joints. Strength training generally involves weight machines or dumbbells, but bodyweight exercises are equally effective and convenient. If you’re not a fan of machines, try bodyweight exercises.
It’s much easier to stay committed to a workout plan when you enjoy the activity. Pick a workout you enjoy, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Here are 10 exercises to try if you’re unsure of which type to choose. Some of them are adapted from specialized fitness programs, while others are designed to target specific parts of the body. Whether you prefer a gym workout or prefer the privacy of your own home, you’ll be more likely to stick to a fitness program when you’re enjoying it.
Dance-based workouts are another excellent option. These exercises are fun and get your entire body moving. They also keep you flexible and limber. The most popular type of dance workouts are salsa and belly dancing. Beginners can also try boxing routines at Women’s Health & Fitness. Another great way to get into shape is through circuit training. Circuit training involves alternating between short sets of strength and cardio exercises. It never gets boring and can help you lose weight.
If you have limited time, HIIT is a great choice. This workout will get your heart rate up and burn fat while you rest. You can do it three to five times a week, but for the best results, try it for at least 75 minutes. Intermediate gym goers can do this workout six times and fitness freaks can do it up to seven times. The workouts are not only fun but are also effective for weight loss.
Long-distance running is a great workout for fat loss, but it doesn’t build muscles or build muscle. A good workout for weight loss in the gym will include sprints or jogging intervals. A challenge will help you to stay on track and avoid hitting weight loss plateaus. Swimming is also a great choice for those who have problems with high impact exercises. You will benefit from the cardiovascular workout combined with the weight loss benefits of this cardio exercise.
You can use a barbell to perform lunges. Lunges build muscles and strengthen the upper and lower body. These exercises also work your glutes and quadriceps to their limit. You should perform three sets of 10 reps for beginners, then increase your reps as your strength increases. Deadlifts are another great choice for fat loss, as they burn both muscle and body fat and are great cardio.